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Diagnostic & Surgical Products
ABBOTT: 401762
Pacel Straight Temporary Bipolar Pacing Catheter Kit, 5 Fr Size, 1 cm Electrode Spacing
ABBOTT: 401771
Pacel Bipolar Pacing Catheter, 6 Fr Size, 110 cm Usable Length
Anspach Diamond Ball Standard Length Dissecting Tool, 1 mm Head Diameter
ARROW: AK-01600
Arrow Polyurethane Percutaneous Cavity Drainage Catheterization Kit, 23 cm Length
RediGuard IAB Balloon Catheter, 8 Fr Size, 40 cc Balloon Volume
ATRIUM: 3612-100
Oasis Dry Suction Water Seal Chest Drain, Infant/Pediatric Age Group
BARD: 3174355
PowerPICC Sterile Catheter with Guidewire, 4 Fr Size, 18G Single Lumen
BARD: 3275155
PowerPICC Catheter with Stainless Steel Guidewire, 5 Fr Size, 18 ga Dual Lumen
BARD: 5393270
Glidepath Long-Term Hemodialysis Catheter Standard Kit, Straight, 14.5 Fr, 32 cm Length
BARD: 5603150
Power-Trialysis Short-Term Dialysis Catheter Kit, Straight, 15 cm Insertion Length
BARD: 5613200
Power-Trialysis Short Term Triple-Lumen Dialysis Catheter Tray, 20 cm Insertion Length
BARD: 5833350
HemoStar Long-Term Hemodialysis Catheter, 14.5 Fr Size x 40 cm Length
BARD: 5834420
HemoStar Long-Term Hemodialysis Catheter, 14.5 Fr Size x 47 cm Length
BARD: AT75166
Atlas PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter, 16 mm dia. x 6 cm Length
BARD: AT75184
Atlas PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter, 18 mm dia. x 4 cm Balloon Length
BARD: AT75202
Atlas PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter, 20 mm dia. x 2 cm Length
BARD: CQF75104
Conquest 40 Over-the-Wire PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter, 10 dia. x 4 mm Balloon Length, 75 cm Working Catheter Length
Conquest 40 PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter, 75 cm Shaft Length, 6 dia. x 40 mm Balloon Length