The Novasure disposable device consists of a single-patient use, conformable bipolar electrode array mounted on an expandable frame that can create a confluent lesion on the entire interior surface area of the uterine cavity. The disposable device is inserted transcervically into the uterine cavity and the sheath is retracted to allow the bipolar electrode array to be deployed and conform to the uterine cavity. The bipolar electrode array is formed from a metalized, porous fabric through which steam and moisture are continuously suctioned from the desiccated tissue. The disposable device works in conjunction with a dedicated Novasure RF controller to perform customized, global endometrial ablation in an average of approximately 90 seconds without the need for concomitant hysteroscopic visualization or endometrial pre-treatment. The specific configuration of the bipolar electrode array and the predetermined power of the controller create a controlled depth of ablation in uteri sounding less than or equal to 10 cm and having a minimum cornu-to-cornu distance of 2.5 cm.